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If you need a quick answer, you might find it here!

There's a lot of questions in FPV, doesn't matter if you're just starting or not

I hope that you'll find answers to most of them. These are mostly mean as quick answers, you can even copy a link to any question to send it to someone! For longer sutff, there are articles planned

Please keep in mind that this site is still in the works, you may see questions come and go

Starting Out


I do my best to keep this site up to date and useful! If you found it useful (or not), have any suggestions, ideas and so on, let me know here to help me improve it!

If you suggest a feature or a bit of content that I add to the site, I'll credit you if you want to leave your pilot name below!

For larger/more intensive suggestions, please use the GitHub Suggestion template. It allows me to keep track of longer suggestions and progress on them, and update you with progress!