Support me

All the ways you can support me

I run this site out of my free time and wallet. If you like what I do, or just want to support me, here are some ways you can help.


Apart from Svelte, the development of this site is mostly powered by coffeine. If you like what I do and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee to help me keep this site up and keep me awake (as I'm writing this it is well past 1am)


One of the easiest ways you can help is by sharing this very site with others who may benefit from the info. By sharing the site, you are not only helping me to continue providing FPV support but also helping others who may be struggling with the issues listed here. So, please consider sharing the site with those around you


Affiliate links... I decided to never force affiliate links in the build guides. Some people hate them or find them annoying, and I don't want someone buying something they don't need just because I want a quick commission. I would never recommend something I don't believe in or use myself. However, I do have some here if you want to support me and the further development of this site, and it won't cost you anything: