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If you need a quick answer, you might find it here!
There's a lot of questions in FPV, doesn't matter if you're just starting or not
I hope that you'll find answers to most of them. These are mostly mean as quick answers, you can even copy a link to any question to send it to someone! For longer sutff, there are articles planned
Please keep in mind that this site is still in the works, you may see questions come and go
This all just depends on the budget that you have. FPV can get pretty expensive fast, so you should know what you're getting into.
A good rule of thumb is to not get anything you can't immediately afford to get replacement parts.
$20 - If you already have a game controller and a decent PC/Console, you can buy a sim and try flying to see if you'd enjoy FPV
$60-$150 - For this price you can get a hobby-grade radio, that will give you a much more realistic feel when flying in a simulator, and can be used if/when you decide to get a quad
$300-400 - Cheapest you can reasonably get flying for real. This will get you a whoop to fly indoors, a proper radio, and some budget goggles to start off
$500-600 - Cheapest you can get a 5" setup for. Same radio and goggles, but the quad will obviously be more expensive
~$700 - This is where I would aim for with a solid analog setup. You'd get good slimline goggles, a good charging setup and tools, and a proper quad
~$800 - Pretty much the top end for analog as it gets, I wouldn't really go any further without going on DJI Digital
$1000+ - About the most you can reasonably spend. DJI FPV, and high end radio equipment